

Three generations ago T.R. Salamat started by gathering saffron from the fields and bringing it to the market as a wholesaler. Over the years we have been increasing our presence in the supply chain community in order to cultivate better partnerships, and to expand our product portfolio. Currently we are able to supply our clients with a variety of quality saffron, licorice and other extracts, gums and resins, and other raw materials.

We are very conscious of the environment we operate in, standards have been put in place to insure consistency and efficiency to reduce waste in the field, transportation, handling, sorting, processing,  and packaging. Our laboratory insures that our client”s expectations are met or exceeded.

For three generations we have been nurturing our business with quality, honesty, and most importantly an absolute focus on our client”s needs. Our mission today is to expand our horizon and offer the same services to the broader international markets.
We offer the finest quality and service to achieve our ultimate goal: “Customer Satisfaction”